Home Suite Hope

Location: Oakville,

Home Suite Hope aims to permanently change the lives of homeless and/or precariously housed single-parent families for the better. In partnership with The Region of Halton, Community Foundations, Sheridan College, the YMCA of Oakville, and through individual, non-profit, and corporate partnerships we are able to offer a solution, rather than a band-aid approach to poverty and homelessness.

Every single parent attends life skills courses, academic upgrading, a two-year funded college education, subsidized childcare, mentorship, professional development, intensive case management, and employment supports to ensure that they successfully become self-sufficient.

Through a partnership with Sheridan College, we offer programming in traditional academic programming. And, we are highly successful at this 100% of our program graduates are off of social assistance, 100% are maintaining their own market rent, and 86% are employed full-time with the average income sitting at $48,000.

This type of service disrupts generational patterns of poverty and changes not only the parent’s trajectory but the trajectory of the future generations of their family.

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